HCSS is indebted to the club’s stadium staff for continuing to provide us with an excellent match day tickets service for exiled Tigers fans. Please read the summary of procedures for ordering and payment below.
HCSS endeavours to obtain tickets for members exiled from Hull and therefore not able to use the normal purchasing channels. The continuation of this privilege is reliant on all HCSS members treating it with respect and not abusing it. You also need to be aware that:
- we will only order one ticket per member (adults, seniors and juniors)
- we can’t guarantee tickets for every order, but we will try
- the Committee will from time to time devise a method for prioritising tickets when demand outstrips supply, this procedure is set out below
- all orders must be paid for, even if you don’t end up using the ticket for whatever reason. If you order a ticket but subsequently can’t attend the match, then pay for the ticket and let the Ticket Organisers know – they will often be able to sell it on for you to another member
We rely on members always giving timely and accurate information about their ticket orders to the Ticket Organisers. Prior notice of forthcoming ticket order start dates and closing dates will always be publicised by email via our HCSS-Announce email group. You are therefore encouraged to maintain your membership of that group in order to stay informed about all matters to do with HCSS ticket orders.
To submit your order you can access our order page by clicking here.
Ticket Ballot System for Over-Subscribed Matches
In recent seasons we have occasionally experienced a situation where demand for away match tickets amongst HCSS members has outstripped supply. The stadium staff have agreed a minimum allocation of tickets will be made available for each fixture. The staff have often released further tickets to HCSS for matches played in the South of England that tend to be most popular for HCSS members. However in circumstances where we are unable to honour all orders from our members we have devised a ballot system to allocate the tickets that are available. The ballot system is completely open and all members have a chance of getting a ticket for any over-subscribed match.
The ballot system that HCSS uses was agreed at the 2013 AGM, as follows:
- Every applicant gets two “balls” in the ballot for the game they apply for;
- In addition, applicants can get additional “balls” as follows:
- one further ball for each away match they have ordered a ticket for via HCSS during the current season;
- one further ball for each away match they have ordered a ticket for via HCSS during the previous season, up to a maximum of five further balls;
- one further ball for being a current HCSS committee member, to reward involvement in the management and development of HCSS; and
- one further ball for having been a HCSS member for at least 10 consecutive season, to reward loyalty and longevity.
The additional balls awarded for matches attended during the previous season (rule 2/2 above) will be suspended for the first three games of the current season, then applied for all subsequent matches. So for the first three games of the season the ballot is essentially pot luck, with some reward for being on the committee and/or being a long standing member. This gives new members a decent chance of getting a ticket at the start of the season and build up additional balls in subsequent ballots. After these first three matches, the growing influence on success in a ballot will be the number of tickets applied for during the current season (while the number of tickets applied for during the previous season will progressively have a lesser influence on the ballot).
Group Orders
We will consider the treatment of multiple ticket order as a “Group”, that is we will apply through the ballot a binary outcome that either an entire group of two or more orders gets tickets, or none in that group gets tickets. However, we will only apply this treatment to groups that include one or more order for under-16s, we will not accept adult/senior only group orders. If you want your orders to be considered a Group order, please include a “Group” comment with your order.
Sit Together Orders
You can however request to sit with your friends and relatives, no matter how old they are! However each individual order in these circumstances will be treated separately in the ballot – so if three out of five people that ask to sit together are successful in a ballot, we will endeavour to sit those three people together, but the other two will miss out. If you want to sit next to your friends, please include a “Sit” comment with your order.