Date: 24th June 2021
Venue: Zoom
Attendees: James Lockwood (Chairman), Martin Batchelor (Tickets), Rob Tuffnell (Treasurer), Andy Beill (Tigers Eye), Richard Gardham (Social Media/Marketing), Mike Scott (Membership/Website), Andy Clark, Chris Douglas, Lucy Tennison, Jon Tennison, Chris Swales, Adrian Hoggarth, Jason Marvin, Paul Gamble
Apologies: Dan Heap (Travel), Paul Ashbridge (APFSCIL), Ian Thomson (Legal/Travel Guide), Peter Helsby, Sue Brown, Marilyn Campbell
1. Chairman’s Report (James Lockwood)
The effects of the Covid pandemic were highlighted as the reason behind a difficult year for football supporters, especially members of the HCSS where the ability to attend games has been denied. Thanks were offered to members who’d donated to the club in the past season, when membership fees were scrapped for the season. The achievements of Grant McCann and the playing side were acknowledged, with the club achieving a first league title in 55 years. Thanks were offered to the whole committee for keeping the group ticking along when little else was able to be done for the membership.
Elected: James Lockwood ((Rich Gardham nominated, Andy Clark seconded)
2. Treasurer’s Report (Rob Tuffnell)
Bank account started the season £2,009.62 in credit, and has finished at £2,149.19. Membership fees donated totalled £213.65, with the only expenses being tankards for Don Robinson and Tom Wilson. Additionally £180 website fees were paid directly from the ticketing surplus held in the ticketing account. The group is looking to move the account away from Nationwide to a provider with online banking capability, with providers who can offer this still being identified
Elected: Rob Tuffnell (Rich Gardham nominated, JAmes Lockwood seconded)
3. Social Media/Marketing Report (Rich Gardham)
Visible marketing is mostly done through twitter with 1427 followers, but impressions on posts can get into 5 figures. Other marketing places are very quiet, so little opportunity is available at the present time. The Hall of Fame is a good publicity generator. Plans are being made to create a book for the 40 hall of fame inductees. Need to judge enthusiasm of members to help write this. Propose to induct 5 more HoF members for this season.
Elected: Richard Gardham (Mike Scott nominated, Chris Swales seconded)
4. Legal Report (Ian Thomson)
No legal issues highlighted, with no data protection issues, queries about the constitution or libel issues highlighted
Ian to draft a prospectus of what Company Limited by Guarantee would mean before being presented to the committee then made available to members.
Elected: Ian Thomson (Chris Swales nominated, Adrian Hoggarth seconded)
5. Travel Guide (Ian Thomson)
Nothing to say on the travel guide, as members were unable to attend games for the past year. Hopefully further guidance from the Government when games can be attended will result in a guide being produced this season.
Elected: Ian Thomson & Rich Gardham (Mike Scott nominated, Chris Swales seconded)
6. Membership (Mike Scott)
All existing memberships have been extended to cover the 2021/22 season, in recognition of the reduced service members received during the pandemic. Membership currently stands at 185.
Elected: Mike Scott (Andy Clark nominated, Rich Gardham seconded)
7. Tickets (Martin Batchelor)
No tickets have been sold during the pandemic. We await news of away fans returning in the next year. Contact has remained with the ticket office.
Elected: Martin Batchelor (James Lockwood nominated, Rich Gardham seconded)
8. Tigers Eye (Andy Beill)
This was my first year as editor of Tigers Eye – with thanks again to Andy Clark for his work in previous years and the excellent handover notes provided. Some poorly timed tech issues delayed things a little but this year’s Tigers Eye was sent to the printers this week. It’s a 48-page issue with contributions from 7 of the committee and 6 of the wider membership, all of whom are past contributors. A request did go out via Announce inviting new contributors along with suggestions of topics, but none were forthcoming. I recognise the circumstances of the last year – many will have been far less engaged with City in general, so mustering enthusiasm and inspiration for writing about the topic at the moment is a tough sell. For that reason, and for the usual high quality of their writing, I’m very grateful to those who did contribute once again. As previously, Martin Batchelor will kindly be posting the copies out, once he receives them.
Elected: Andy Beill (Andy Clark nominated, Jason Marvin seconded)
9. Travel (Dan Heap)
The pandemic has meant no travel has happened in the past season. We await Government guidance for the following season.
Elected: Dan Heap (Andy Clark nominated, Adrian Hoggarth seconded)
10. Events/APFSCIL (Paul Ashbridge)
The circumstances of the last year meant we were unable to hold events for City’s televised matches last year. We very much hope that circumstances prevail that will allow for this tradition to recommence once the new season starts in August. A slight concern is that we were now able to hire the upstairs room at the Spread Eagle for what should have been tonight’s AGM. We hope the pub will allow us to hold televised match events once the new season starts, but will welcome suggestions of alternative venues should this not be possible. Nothing to report from APFCSIL
Elected: Paul Ashbridge (Andy Clark nominated Rich Gardham seconded)
11. Website/HCSS Announce (Mike Scott)
The HCSS website is hosted in Leven, with costs provided by the float in the HCSS ticketing account. The website has just run with various polls over the year, but otherwise ticking on. Suggestions about putting Tigers Eye articles on the website, but Andy Beill is happy for this Old Tigers Eye could be offered online too. Chris Douglas may have most copies.
Elected: Mike Scott (Andy Clark nominated, Rich Gardham seconded)
12. Additional Committee Members Reappointed
Andy Clark and Chris Swales.
13. Any Other Business
Proposal to add 5 new members to the Hall of Fame was agreed. Committee’s choice is to be Jeff Radcliffe. 4 further choices will be voted by members in the coming weeks.
JL to keep contact with the club in the hope we can arrange another fans forum for the next season.
Are there sufficient HCSS members who have membership credits from the past season, that could be pooled to create a charitable donation (for example members buy kit and donate it to a Hull junior sports club)?
I can see no other way of asking this, but are tickets for the Fulham match on August 21st available? I got acknowledgement of my request but nothing since then